
23 May, 2014

Friday before the Long Weekend

Ugggh! Nobody wants to be here today. It's the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, it's sunny and 70, one of our co-workers is having his retirement party, and the boss will be gone all next week.

It is just not meant to be...

Hopefully this weekend will be nice, with lots of relaxation, fun, and family time. I foresee the kids playing outside most of the weekend with me and the old-lady doing some lawn work. A bonfire and smores, plus a dash of playing at the park.
I also want to sleep in to at least 7:30 on all three days and see X-men.

Come on 15.30, I need you now! Hee hee (I always set my post time to be sometime after work so no one knows exactly when I am doing this -- is it during my lunch, a bathroom break, who knows)

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