
23 June, 2006

Heading back down to Detroit

We are heading back to Detroit this weekend for another wedding. While down there we will visit with friends. Sounds exciting?
Sorry, my life in not that exciting right now. As soon as something happens I will be sure to let you all know.
St Stan's was great. I did forget my ID, so they almost didn't let me in. The people running security were worried that if the police were to check that they would get into trouble. Good thing that I knew the sheriff who was working. He went to High School with me. Brandon has cleaned up, no more angry leprechaun.

You can check out my Yahoo360 page. It is basically the same as this but I have other pictures on it. (WOW!!!)

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have to really worry about apologizing for your life being one is noticing.

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